
The volunteer staff at Úlfljótsvatn will be the team that runs the day-to-day operations of the center for three months. Whether you are preparing meals for our guests, assisting groups, or guiding activities in the beautiful Icelandic nature, there are always opportunities for adventure and learning new skills.

We are looking for 7 volunteers for Autumn Season!


Start: 01.09.2025
End: 28.11.2025
Deadline: 01.05.2025

Key Responsibilities

  • Run the daily operations of the center
  • Prepare meals for guests
  • Ensure a high level of cleanliness in all guest areas
  • Run the center’s program for guests
  • Assist the center’s coordinators with long term projects and events
  • Assist with maintenance and groundskeeping tasks
  • Assist the centre in any area when needed
  • Promote a healthy work environment where everybody feels welcome
Skills and Abilities
  • Ability to work in a multicultural team with motivation and enthusiasm
  • High interest for educational activities and its value for young generations
  • Ability to work in unexpected situations
  • Welcoming attitude towards guests and staff
  • Good communication skills
Desirable Knowledge and Experience
  • Experience in customer service
  • Experience in cooking for large groups
  • Outdoor experience (personal or professional)
  • Perform to high standards whilst working with a team
  • Experience in first aid
  • Scouting knowledge

Other Information

  • Daily work of volunteer staff will be supervised by the volunteer coordinators and the team manager

We are looking for 7 volunteers for Summer Season!


Start: 02.06.2025
End: 29.08.2025
Deadline: 28.02.2025

Key Responsibilities

  • Run the daily operations of the center
  • Prepare meals for guests
  • Ensure a high level of cleanliness in all guest areas
  • Run the center’s program for guests
  • Assist the center’s coordinators with long term projects and events
  • Assist with maintenance and groundskeeping tasks
  • Assist the centre in any area when needed
  • Promote a healthy work environment where everybody feels welcome
Skills and Abilities
  • Ability to work in a multicultural team with motivation and enthusiasm
  • High interest for educational activities and its value for young generations
  • Ability to work in unexpected situations
  • Welcoming attitude towards guests and staff
  • Good communication skills
Desirable Knowledge and Experience
  • Experience in customer service
  • Experience in cooking for large groups
  • Outdoor experience (personal or professional)
  • Perform to high standards whilst working with a team
  • Experience in first aid
  • Scouting knowledge

Other Information

  • Daily work of volunteer staff will be supervised by the volunteer coordinators and the team manager

Volunteer Coordinators

The coordinator role is a key position in Úlfljótsvatn’s operation, as they coordinate the day-to-day tasks of the center and have constant contact with guests and volunteers.


Start: ASAP
End: 31.08.2025 (with possibility to extend)
Deadline: N/A

Key Responsibilities (Specific)

  • Ensure maintenance at Úlfljótsvatn is carried out daily
  • Executes renovation projects outlined by the Camp Manager and Director
  • Support Campsite team with technical jobs
  • Support and maintain the campsite infrastructure
  • Carry out prevention maintenance to minimize ageing of our facilities and unexpected issues
  • Suggest further development for our facilities
  • Ensure high standards in safety according to the training received
  • Ensure all accidents and near misses are reported through our forms
  • Report any issue related to services to the Camp Manager
  • Report any issue related to Staff or guests to the Management Team (Camp Manager and Program Manager)
Key Responsibilities (General)
  • Be a role model for volunteers and guests, representing the scouting values, Skátarnir vision and Úlfljótsvatn mission
  • Assist the center in any area when needed
  • Promote a healthy work environment where everybody feels welcome, valued and growing
Skills and Abilities
  • Ability to work in a multicultural team and thrive motivation and enthusiasm.
  • Eye for detail and thrive to make things better
  • Technical skills (woodwork, electricity, plumbing…) We don’t require to be an expert in all. But understanding of all and capacity of learning about them
  • Good communication skills
  • Ability to coordinate and lead a team of volunteers

Knowledge and Experience

  • Experience in customer service
  • Experience in handling tools and technical jobs
  • Experience in first aid
  • Scouting knowledge

Other Information

  • The Maintenance Coordinator has regular meetings with the Managers of Úlfljótsvatn where they discuss about the daily operation and the tasks on the horizon
  • Úlfljótsvatn as an institution and The Icelandic Scout Association, Skátarnir, stands for the development of young people and their leading role in our society
  • For that reason, we ensure a Personal Development Plan where the coordinator will grow, both professionally and personally, in their leadership and management skills, as well as the technic side of the jobs they will perform


Start: 10.05.2025
End: 31.08.2025
Deadline: 20.02.2025

Key Responsibilities

  • Ensure facilities are clean and ready to welcome our guests
  • Support the Guest Services Coordinator in management of kitchen operations, including preparing meals for our guests
  • Support the volunteers working in guest services and help them to grow in their responsibilities
  • Collect feedback from the services we provide (guests and volunteers) in order to suggest future improvements
  • Lead and execute the daily tasks in-house
  • Ensure high standards in safety according to the training received
  • Ensure all Accidents and near misses are reported through our forms
  • Report any issue related to Staff or guests to the Management Team (Director and Program Director)
  • Be a role model for volunteers and guests, representing the scouting values, Skátarnir vision and Úlfljótsvatn mission
  • Assist the center in any area when needed
  • Promote a healthy work environment where everybody feels welcome
Skills and Abilities
  • Ability to work in a multicultural team with motivation and enthusiasm
  • Ability to organize and manage staff under their responsibility
  • Welcoming attitude towards guests and staff
  • Good communication skills
Knowledge and Experience
  • Experience in customer service
  • Experience in cooking for large groups
  • Performing to high standards whilst working with a team
  • Experience in first aid
  • Scouting knowledge


Start: 01.04.2025
End: 31.08.2025 (with possibility to extend)
Deadline: 29.01.2025

Key Responsibilities (Specific)

  • Ensure the campsite is prepared, taken care of and ready to welcome our guests
  • Daily cleaning of campsite facilities in cooperation with our volunteer team
  • Responsible for opening ours of our Service Center
  • Support and maintain the campsite infrastructure
  • Support the volunteers working in campsite and help them to grow in their responsibilities
  • Collect feedback from the services we provide (guests and volunteers) in order to suggest future improvements
  • Ensure high standards in safety according to the training received
  • Ensure all Accidents and near misses are reported through our forms
  • Report any issue related to Services to the Camp Manager
  • Report any issue related to Staff or guests to the Management Team (Camp Manager and Program Manager)
Key Responsibilities (General)
  • Be a role model for volunteers and guests, representing the scouting values, Skátarnir vision and Úlfljótsvatn mission
  • Assist the center in any area when needed
  • Promote a healthy work environment where everybody feels welcome and valued
Skills and Abilities
  • Ability to work in a multicultural team and thrive motivation and enthusiasm
  • Guest Services mindset at all times
  • Technical skills are desired but not crucial
  • Good communication skills
  • Ability to coordinate and lead a team of volunteers
Knowledge and Experience
  • Experience in customer service
  • Experience in handling tools and technical jobs
  • Experience in first aid
  • Scouting knowledge

Other Information

  • The Campsite Coordinator has regular meetings with the Managers of Úlfljótsvatn where they discuss about the daily operation and the tasks on the horizon
  • Úlfljótsvatn as an institution and The Icelandic Scout Association, Skátarnir, stands for the development of young people and their leading role in our society
  • For that reason, we ensure a Personal Development Plan where the coordinator will grow, both professionally and personally, in their leadership and management skills, as well as the technic side of the jobs they will perform


Start: 20.02.2025
End: 31.08.2025 (With possibility to extend)
Deadline: 30.11.2024

Key Responsibilities

  • Lead and coordinate the daily operations of guest services at Úlfljótsvatn
  • Ensure facilities are clean and ready to welcome our guests
  • Mentor and support volunteer staff in guest services to enhance their skills and responsibilities
  • Daily management of kitchen operations, including preparing meals for our guests
  • Develop and implement operational procedures and policies for guest services
  • Communication with external suppliers
  • Collect feedback from the services we provide (guests and volunteers) in order to suggest future improvements
  • Debrief the groups on arrival about their booked services
  • Lead and organize the daily tasks in-house
  • Ensure high standards in safety according to the training received
  • Ensure all Accidents and near misses are reported through our forms
  • Report any issue related to Staff or guests to the Management Team (Director and Program Director)
  • Be a role model for volunteers and guests, representing the scouting values, Skátarnir vision and Úlfljótsvatn mission
  • Assist the center in any area when needed
  • Promote a healthy work environment where everybody feels welcome
Skills and Abilities
  • Ability to work in a multicultural team with motivation and enthusiasm
  • Ability to organize and manage staff under their responsibility
  • Welcoming attitude towards guests and staff
  • Good communication skills
Knowledge and Experience
  • Experience in customer service
  • Experience in cooking for large groups
  • Performing to high standards whilst working with a team
  • Experience in first aid
  • Scouting knowledge


Start: 20.02.2025
End: 31.08.2025 (with possibility to extend)
Deadline: 30.11.2024

Key Responsibilities
  • Ensure the equipment for all activities is always in good condition
  • Support volunteers running activities and help them to grow in their responsibilities
  • Support Program and Coordination Manager with program administration tasks
  • Collect feedback from our activities (guests and volunteers) in order to suggest future improvements
  • Debrief the groups on arrival about their program booked
  • Ensure high standards in safety according to the training received
  • Ensure all accidents and near misses are reported through our forms
  • Report any issue related to activities to the Program & Coordination Manager
  • Report any issue related to Staff or guests to the Management Team (Director and Program & Coordination Manager)
  • Be a role model for volunteers and guests, representing the scouting values, Skátar vision and Úlfljótsvatn mission
  • Assist the center in any area when needed
  • Promote a healthy work environment where everybody feels welcome
Skills and Abilities
  • Ability to work in a multicultural team with motivation and enthusiasm
  • Ability to organize and manage staff under their responsibility
  • Good awareness of the risks involved in outdoor activities and how to minimize them
  • High interest for educational activities and its value for young generations
  • Good communication skills

Knowledge and Experience

  • Outdoor experience (personal or professional)
  • Performing to high standards whilst working with a team
  • Experience in first aid
  • Scouting knowledge

Managers and Paid Staff

The manager role is a fully professional position, with full time availability. 
The manager is responsible for the operations of the Center, implementation of long term planning and execution of projects in the different areas, as well as lead our staff team and welcome our guests!


Til umsóknar eru þrjár stöður sumarbúðastarfsfólks, sumarið 2025.
Sumarbúðastarfsfólk sér um dagskrá og velferð gesta í Sumarbúðum skáta og á útilífsnámskeiðum á Úlfljótsvatni. 
Viðkomandi þurfa að geta hafið störf 2. júní og unnið til og með 15. ágúst.
Um hlutastarf er að ræða eða á meðan Sumarbúðir skáta og útilífsnámskeið standa yfir.

Sumarbúðir skáta eru: 9.-12. júní / 16.-20. júní / 23.-27. júní / 30. júní-4. júlí / 7.-11. júlí / 22.-24. júlí / 12.-15. ágúst
Útilífsnámskeið Úlfljótsvatns eru: 14.-17. júlí / 5.-8. ágúst
Þjálfun starfsfólks fer fram vikuna 2.-6. júní. 
Umsækjendur sem geta unnið allar ofangreindar dagsetningar hafa forgang.

Helstu verkefni

  • Vera fyrirmynd fyrir aðra starfsmenn, sjálfboðaliða og gesti, með skátagildin, stefnu skátanna og Úlfljótsvatns að leiðarljósi.
  • Aðstoða við almennan rekstur sumarbúða og útilífsnámskeiða.
  • Stuðla að heilbrigðu vinnuumhverfi þar sem öll eru velkomin, eru metin mikils virði og fá tækifæri til að þroskast.
  • Aðstoða við að stýra dagskrá.
  • Vera börnunum innan handar og passa uppá velferð þeirra og líðan.

Færni og hæfni

  • Geta unnið í fjölmenningarlegu teymi og stuðlað að hvatningu og áhuga.
  • Að geta skipulagt, undirbúið, deilt verkefnum og unnið að daglegri starfsemi.
  • Framúrskarandi samskiptahæfileikar.
  • Sköpunarkraftur og ímyndunarafl.
  • Hæfni til að halda ró sinni í erfiðum aðstæðum.

Kunnátta og reynsla

  • Reynsla úr skátastarfi.
  • Reynsla af æskulýðsstarfi.
  • Reynsla af uppeldis/fræðslustörfum.
  • Kunnátta í skyndihjálp.
  • Reynsla af útivist.

Nauðsynleg skilyrði

  • Mjög góð kunnátta í íslensku og ensku.
  • Áhugi til að læra nýja hluti.
  • Hreint sakavottorð.

Sótt um

  • Áhugasamir einstaklingar, óháð kyni, eru hvattir til að sækja um með ferilskrá og kynningarbréfi með því að senda póst á fyrir 1. apríl.


80-100% staða
Umsóknarfrestur: 20. febrúar 2025

Laust er til umsóknar fjölbreytt starf við umsjón fasteigna og útisvæða við Útilífsmiðstöð skáta Úlfljótsvatni.

Í starfinu felst m.a. viðhalds- og smíðavinna, ræktun og sláttur útisvæða og tjaldflata og umsjón og viðgerðir bifreiða og annars tækjabúnaðar.

Óskað er eftir öflugum, úrræðagóðum og jákvæðum starfsmanni í 80-100% framtíðarstarf.
Starfsstöð er á Úlfljótsvatni.

Helstu verkefni og ábyrgð
  • Viðhald húsnæðis og annarra innviða, málninga- og smíðavinna.
  • Ræktun og sláttur tjaldflata og viðhald tjaldsvæðis og nærumhverfis.
  • Umsjón með bifreiðum og öðrum tækja- og verkfærakosti. Almennar viðgerðir og viðhald eftir þörfum.
  • Gerð viðhalds- og kostnaðaráætlana í samstarfi við rekstrarstjóra.
  • Samskipti við verktaka, gæðaeftirlit og samningsgerð í samstarfi við rekstrarstjóra.
  • Hafa áhrif á ásýnd og uppbyggingu Útilífsmiðstöðvar skáta.
  • Sinnir öðrum sérverkefnum sem næsti yfirmaður felur honum og eðlilegt getur talist að rúmist innan verksviðs hans.
Menntunar- og hæfniskröfur
  • Iðnmenntun sem nýtist í starfi og/eða mikil haldbær reynsla af viðhaldi eigna og/eða tækja mjög æskileg.
  • Jákvæðni, metnaður og sjálfstæð vinnubrögð.
  • Góð samskiptahæfni og rík þjónustulund.
  • Afbragðs skipulagshæfni og lausnamiðuð hugsun.
  • Stundvísi og drifkraftur.
  • Bílpróf.
  • Kerrupróf (BE) kostur.
  • Vinnuvélaréttindi kostur (I-flokkur).
  • Góð íslensku- og/eða enskukunnátta.
Fríðindi í starfi
  • Skemmtileg, fjölbreytt og krefjandi verkefni.
  • Fallegt og hvetjandi starfsumhverfi.
  • Gott mötuneyti.
  • Akstursstyrkur.
  • Námskeiðsstyrkir sem tengjast starfi.

Umsóknarfrestur er til og með 20. febrúar 2025. Við hvetjum öll áhugasöm sem uppfylla ofangreindar hæfnikröfur til að sækja um starfið. 

ATH! Sótt er um stöðuna á Alfreð.is. Smelltu hér til að sækja um.


Start: 20.02.2025
80% permenent position
Deadline: 31.12.2024

Laust er til umsóknar starf matráðs við Útilífsmiðstöð skáta Úlfljótsvatni.

Í starfinu felst m.a. að útbúa máltíðir fyrir gesti og starfsfólk Útilífsmiðstöðvarinnar, skipuleggja og stýra þrifum og leiðbeina starfsfólki sem er til aðstoðar.

Vinnutíminn er breytilegur eftir gestabókunum.
Starfshlutfall er um 80%. Matráður er í fríi í desember og janúar.

Við leitum að einstaklingi sem hefur gaman af því að vinna með ungu fólki, gaman af því að leiðbeina og hefur metnað fyrir því að veita þjónustu sem slær í gegn hjá gestum.

Helstu verkefni og ábyrgð
  • Yfirumsjón með eldhúsi og starfsfólki þess.
  • Útbúa morgunmat, hádegisverð, síðdegishressingu og kvöldverð þar sem áhersla er lögð á fjölbreytni og hollustu.
  • Verkstjórnun annars starfsfólks mötuneytis og umsjón með skipulagi starfs.
  • Skipulag og umsjón með þrifum á matsal, eldhúsi og gistirýmum.
  • Innkaup á matvöru og  mjög ábyrg byrgðarstýring.
  • Skipulag á matseðlum, allt að mánuð fram í tímann.
Menntunar- og hæfniskröfur
  • Haldbær reynsla á sviði matargerðar og innkaupa.
  • Mjög góð hæfni í mannlegum samskiptum og rík þjónustulund.
  • Mjög góð skipulagshæfni.
  • Talnalæsi og góð kostnaðarvitund.
  • Metnaður og áhugi á matargerð.
  • Góð íslenskukunnátta æskileg.
  • Góð enskukunnátta er nauðsynleg.
  • Jákvæðni, drifkraftur og sjálfstæði í störfum.
  • Menntun í matargerð er mikill kostur.
Fríðindi í starfi
  • Hvetjandi starfsumhverfi
  • Gott mötuneyti
ATH! Sótt er um stöðuna á Alfreð.is. Smelltu hér til að sækja um. 


Start: 01.06.2023
End: 31.08.2023

Helstu verkefni (sérhæfð)

  • Ber ábyrgð á skipulagningu  sumarbúðannaáður en fyrsta vikan hefst.
  • Skipuleggja og búa til áætlun fyrir starfsmenn í samstarfi við dagskrástjóra Úlfljótsvatns.
  • Dagleg samskipti við forráðamenn þátttakenda sumarbúðanna á meðan þeim stendur.
  • Að tryggja þess að grunngildi skátanna komi fram í dagskránni þar sem sjálfsnám eða reynslunám skín í gegn.
  • Að tryggja endurmat eftir hverja viku og passa að bæta þá hluti sem upp koma.
  • Að tryggja lokaendurmat í lok sumarbúðanna.
  • Samræmir starf starfsmanna sumarbúðanna daglega.

Helstu verkefni (almenn)

  • Vera fyrirmynd fyrir aðra starfsmenn, sjálfboðaliða og gesti, með skátagildin, stefnu skátanna og Úlfljótsvatns að leiðarljósi.
  • Aðstoða við almennan rekstur skátamiðstöðvarinnar þar sem þarf.
  • Stuðla að heilbrigðu vinnuumhverfi þar sem öll eru velkomin, eru metin mikils virði og fá tækifæri til að þroskast.

Færni og hæfni

  • Geta unnið í fjölmenningarlegu teymi og stuðlað að hvatningu og áhuga.
  • Mikil skipulagshæfni.
  • Að geta skipulagt, undirbúið, deilt verkefnum og unnið að daglegri starfsemi.
  • Framúrskarandi samskiptahæfileikar.
  • Hæfni til að leiða hóp starfsmanna og sjálfboðaliða.
  • Sköpunarkraftur og ímyndunarafl.
  • Hæfni til að halda ró sinni í erfiðum aðstæðum.

Kunnátta og reynsla

  • Reynsla úr skátastarfi.
  • Reynsla af æskulýðsstarfi.
  • Reynsla af uppeldis/fræðslustörfum.
  • Kunnátta í skyndihjálp.

Nauðsynleg skilyrði

  • Mjög góð kunnátta í íslensku og ensku.
  • Áhugi tilað læra nýja hluti.
  • Gilt ökuskírteini, B-flokkur.
  • Hreint sakavottorð.



Start: 01.05.2022
End: 31.08.2022

Key Responsibilities

  • Plan and execute maintenance of the Center’s infrastructures 
  • Daily care and maintenance of our campsite and grounds
  • Develop and oversee weekly maintenance prevention plans
  • Execute the infrastructure strategy set by the Úlfljótsvatn board and Framkvæmdastjóri
  • Plan and execute renovation projects
  • Responsible for vehicles and its usage
  • Coordinates the work of the camp team (Maintenance and Campsite)
  • Cooperate and keeps communication with the forestry association
  • Be a role model for other employees, coordinators, volunteers and guests, representing the scouting values, Skátarnir vision and Úlfljótsvatn mission
  • Assist the center in any area when needed
  • Promote a healthy work environment where everybody feels welcomed and valued
Skills and Abilities

Ability to work in a multicultural team with motivation and enthusiasm

  • High organizational and prioritization skills
  • Ability to coordinate and lead a team of employees and volunteers
  • Welcoming attitude towards guests and staff
  • Good communication skills
Knowledge and Experience
  • Experience or education in basic maintenance
  • Experience or education in project management.
  • Experience driving vehicles off road
  • Experience driving heavy machinery (tractors, lawn mower etc…)
  • Experience in scouting


Start: 01.04.2022
End: 30.11.2022

Key Responsibilities
  • Responsible for our program development: activities, Skólabuðir, Sumarbúðir and events
  • Coordinate schedules for the staff team in cooperation with Framkvæmdastjóri ÚSÚ  
  • Suggest program expenses and keep track of yearly outcome in cooperation with Framkv. ÚSÚ
  • Educational program development, together with the NSO staff and the Program Coordinator
  • Follow up ties with our program suppliers
  • Manage bookings
  • Plan events in cooperation with Framkvæmdastjóri ÚSÚ
  • Coordinate the program staff team and its daily operations
Skills and Abilities
  • Ability to work in a multicultural team with motivation and enthusiasm
  • Ability to organize and manage staff under their responsibility
  • Good awareness of the risks involved in outdoor activities and how to minimize them
  • High interest for educational activities and its value for young generations
  • High organizational, and prioritization skills
  • Good communication skills

Knowledge and Experience

  • Outdoor experience (personal or professional)
  • Education or experience in administration tasks, financial strategy and budgeting
  • Proficient in Excel
  • Experience in first aid
  • Experience in Scouting
  • Experience or education in youth work
  • Experience or education in event management